Message from Principal

School is a society in miniature. It is a spectrum of the sensibility of the small tender souls who form a society unimpaired by social barriers. The essence of education is to generate a social awareness, social juxtaposition, rational outlook, ethical growth among the students on whom we repose our future optimism. The teachers of the school are the beacon lights to promote intellectual growth coupled with holistic development by harnessing the innate potentialities of the children.

As regards Pioneer Institute Of Learning is concerned it has all the spheres conducive to give flip to essence of education. It has well defined academic curricula in tandem with national draft of education called as N.C.F. (National Curriculum Framework) which envisages learning by way of pedagogy, active participation of learners, develop multi disciplinary bonding.

The teaching staff is academically knack full and adept in teaching learning process.

I am optimistic that this institute of learning shall be always luring and first option for the parents to educate their children.



Abdul Rouf Shahmiri